Demostration Version
Demonstration Version
This is a demonstration verson of the FuneralSoft web application which you can use to explore the concepts and features the FuneralSoft web application. To get started, use the main menu links at the top-right. FuneralSoft is a system designed specifically for the management of Funeral Homes. There is also a desktop version available which integrates with this web application. To learn more about FuneralSoft or if you have any questions visit http://www.funeralsoft.net.au or contact a consultant on 1300 886 297.
Sign Up
If you've checked it out and you're convinced it's for you, the next step is to contact us and we'll get you set up with your own live application. Contact us via our website www.funeralsoft.net.au or on 1300 886 297
Contact Us
If you are interested in more information about the product, please contact us on 1300 886 297